10 Pentecost Proper 12 Yr B July 29 2018 Audio
Because you all are quick, you’ll realize right away that we jumped from reading the gospel of Mark to the gospel of John. Be forewarned, we’ll jump back into Mark in a few weeks. But for the next few weeks, we will be considering the entire sixth chapter of John. It feels a bit to me like starting the yeast today, and waiting for the next five weeks as the yeast does its work. As the bread rises, gets punched down and rises again. These are the bread stories, the feeding stories, these are the stories of sacrament and sacrifice.
Because you all are quick, you’ll realize right away that we jumped from reading the gospel of Mark to the gospel of John. Be forewarned, we’ll jump back into Mark in a few weeks. But for the next few weeks, we will be considering the entire sixth chapter of John. It feels a bit to me like starting the yeast today, and waiting for the next five weeks as the yeast does its work. As the bread rises, gets punched down and rises again. These are the bread stories, the feeding stories, these are the stories of sacrament and sacrifice.
The stories before us today are stories of abundance. Not
the abundance of the prosperity gospel. It’s important for us to understand
this difference. There are preachers who claim if you give your money to God,
God will bless you with more money. If you invest your money with God, you
could have a hundredfold return on your investment. This prosperity gospel is rooted
in success, not Scripture. Mother Teresa has said “God does not require
that we be successful, only
that we be faithful.”
Believers in prosperity like winners. Thus, natural
disasters like hurricanes and catastrophic floods do not provide the winning
narratives crucial to keep adherents chained to prosperity gospel thinking. The
likely conclusion then to a prosperity gospel is that the unlucky are
responsible for their own misfortune. This prosperity gospel informs many who
are in power today, both as televangelists and politicians.
Very different from a prosperity gospel are these stories
about how life is abundant when it is grounded in relationship with Jesus.
Jesus is the source of abundance.
So let’s consider our abundance. We eat really well, don't
we? Every time we get together we have a feast, right here in this space, as
well as over at Ortymeyer. One of the most important ways we take care of the
family of a loved one who has died is with the hospitality of a meal. And Paula
leads us in providing an ample breakfast for the men of GIFTS. We have church
potlucks and family potlucks, and sometimes those are one and the same. I
believe gathering around a table and sharing a meal is one way, and a really
important way, we respect the dignity of every human being. We don't have to
agree on anything when we eat together. We honor God's image in one another as
we share a meal. Everyone has something to eat, and that is enough.
The feeding story is about that. Everyone has something to
eat, and that is enough. Jesus went up the mountain and sat down with the
disciples. They all sat there in the city park, about five thousand in all. The
little boy had five loaves and two fish. What a surprise. Jesus took the five
loaves of bread, the two fish, gave thanks for all of it, and Jesus distributed
them to everyone. They ate as much as they wanted, and when they were satisfied,
the disciples gathered up the fragments, and they filled twelve baskets.
In this gospel, and this is different from the same story in
the other gospels where the disciples distribute the bread and the fish, Jesus
feeds those who are sitting in the park. Imagine yourself, sitting in that
park, on the grass, with your family by you, anticipating what this teacher may
have to say today, what may inspire you. As you are sitting there listening,
and watching all that is going on around you, Jesus brings you some bread, and
a piece of fish. You are close enough to see Jesus, to look into those eyes, to
see care and compassion. You, and your family eat your fill, and there is
enough left to fill twelve baskets.
It seems to me that this feeding story in the gospel of John
is a precursor to the feeding stories of our own families and church potlucks
and meals. They are stories of abundance. When was the last time anyone went
away hungry from your family potluck? When was the last time anyone went away
hungry from a Trinity potluck? Even when it seems like there may not be enough,
somewhere, somehow, there is enough, and usually more than enough.
Sometimes we want to complicate the gospel of John.
Sometimes we want to say it’s all metaphor and symbol and therefore hard to
understand. But I don’t think that is the case. I think it is exactly what it
is. Jesus is the bread of life. Bread is an essential component of daily life
in the ancient world, and Jesus is bread. Bread is a necessity for sustenance
as a human being, and Jesus is bread. This is who Jesus is, this is who we
recognize Jesus to be. Jesus is completely present with us, and Jesus was
completely present to the boy who had the loaves and fishes, and the families
Jesus feeds with the loaves and fishes.
So then, this is an invitation into a relationship with
Jesus. Jesus invites us into this relationship through these feeding stories.
Jesus invites us into this relationship each time we come to this table to eat
and drink, bread and wine, body and blood. It’s our Episcopal altar call. Jesus
invites us into this relationship each time we experience the boy with the
loaves and fishes, the woman who asks for our prayers of thanksgiving or
healing, the man who needs us to pray for his son, the children whose life is
in chaos.
This is an invitation into a relationship with Jesus. And we
recognize Jesus in our neighbors who don’t look like us, or think like us, or
love like us, or speak like us, or pray like us, or vote like us. We recognize
Jesus in our neighbors. Because God’s abundance is available to all.
And it cannot be accidental that the feeding of the five
thousand is followed immediately by the story of Jesus walking on the sea.
Jesus said to them, and says to us, “it is I; do not be afraid.” When it feels
like we are losing more than we are gaining, when it seems like there is not
enough, remember, in the breaking and the sharing of the bread, there is always
enough, “it is I; do not be afraid.”
These stories from John not only describe the way God’s
abundance was present then and is now; it also points us to the feast that is
to come. This massive picnic in the wilderness is manna from heaven, the bread
of angels. Our participation in the feeding of many today, our participation in
God’s divine plenty and generosity today, does affect the Kingdom that will
come. The story continues to show us that Jesus is the bread of life. Feeding
people, their minds, their bodies and their spirits is what you are about here
at Trinity. No one goes hungry, everyone is invited to the feast.